Doing from Asking....

I have spent years doing and filling my days with very productive tasks.   I have been the queen of the "to-do" list.  Delighting in the satisfaction each check mark would provide.   This has served me well in the past.   I've accomplished many goals and created a wonderful life for myself.  I've exhausted myself and drove myself to the point of deep fatigue many times, often to a point of resentment and blame.   People expect too much of me, I would tell myself.  I need a break. 

The last year ( I would actually credit the original lock-down of the pandemic) has nudged me into an interesting process.   What if I took a moment and asked my body and my self what it wants to do in any given moment/day?   Especially when asked if I want to agree to do something.   I am finding this revolutionary.   I ask my body and then really feel into how my body feels when I imagine myself doing this task or taking on this project.   Do I feel tired as I feel into it?   Do I feel excited?   Inspired?  

I said "No" to a project today.   A project I would have taken on a few years back because I would have felt excited and inspired by it.   Last year I probably would have taken it on because I would have felt I SHOULD take it on.   After all, many would jump at this chance!   Today I asked my body.   When I envisioned myself doing the work this opportunity would entail and the process I would be agreeing to, my body felt heavy and tired.   No excitement and no inspiration.   I declined.   As I declined I felt relieved and relaxed.  

As I basked in the realization that I had advocated for myself, I was aware of a bit of a backlash.   "Why did you turn this down?"  "What if you never get another offer?"  "Lazy!"  "Don't you want to work?"  These thoughts/voices in my head and many others presented with force.   There was a time when this would have triggered a flood of self doubt, recrimination, and self judgement.   Today I listened, watched, and simply held space for it all.   This is new territory for me.   It's so understandable that parts of me would freak out!  I just comforted these parts of me and allowed myself to acknowledge the pride I felt in my new way of being.  This feels like a game changer.  After all, how can I expect my life to be all I want it to be if I continue to agree to do things I don't want to do?

Yes,  I will still have to make peace with things in my life that need doing.   But....I refuse to turn CHOICES I have in my life, into things I end up doing because some outdated voice in my head thinks they are NEEDS.  

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