Creative musings....

Spirit moving through...... 

2024 has settled in and through in quite an interesting way.   Transmuting lots of pain with tears and sinking my hands into the dirt of my garden.   I feel as though I am shedding yet another skin as I anchor more into my true self.   This self is expanding and deepening.   Doors open deep within that I didn't know existed.

I feel blessed and challenged in the same breath.   This being human thing isn't for the faint of heart.   Time seems to have quickened and if I don't ground myself into the depth of my…

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Spiritual "Claire-ification" 

I believe the most important and powerful spiritual goal in today’s world is mastering the practice and implementation of loving the self.  Not the self we’ve been trying to be, but the authentic and complex jumble of conflicting parts we all spend years wrestling.    

The goal is amazingly simple to state and the process just as complex and full of adventure.   To do this work honestly and deeply we all need help in the forms of healers, guides, space holders, collaborators, and friends.   I’ve been called…

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The Other 

We're back here again.   Or perhaps we just haven't left yet…..that nebulous consciousness of “the other”.    It's quite a trick and it's been going on and destroying people since the beginning.   I think more and more people are awakening from this paradigm and fear/control device but it is still creating much suffering and horror. 

May we as a people wake up from the fallacy of the other.   May we wake up from the outdated and perpetual disabling loop of reward and punishment and may we please open up and…

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Standing Still 

It's been an intense week.   Many have been speaking on the new energy that is flooding the planet.   The transition from 3 dimensional to 5 dimensional.   While it feels positive and I can feel in my gut the truth of old, out-dated, and faulty structures body is UNCOMFORTABLE!!!   I can feel the inner shifts, like the growing pains I had as a child.   I'm feeling aches and sudden heat throughout my back and such a feeling of fatigue.   My sense of time is disintegrating and I just feel out…

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Collective Maturity and Ethics. 

Like many of you, I find myself intermittently pondering and questioning the latest shooting tragedy. 

I do believe that guns are tools and that the underlying disease of this situation lies with an unwell human using this tool for a horrifying and unfathomable end. 

I also believe that fixing and shifting the complex and multi-faceted systemic, structural, and cultural dysfunction that creates and contributes to unwell humans takes time, care, and lots of shifts. Shifts in our society's view of what is…

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Backstory on my upcoming album, Emergence. 

Creating Emergence has been quite an adventure for me.   I recorded all but 1 of the eight tracks in my home with Garage Band on my laptop.   By using my keyboard directly connected into my computer, I was able to record the majority of these tracks without any background noise (Emergence was recorded in my living room with my grand piano).   Through trial and error and my ears, I tweaked the mixing.   What I continue to be amazed at is how the recording process and playing process was as easy and smooth as…

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I have been contemplating for awhile now on what it takes to become a master at any particular skill. BTW....I think any skill taken to the mastery level is pure art. My latest is the following..... 

1. Train the body. 

2. Quiet the mind. 

Once these two skills are in place then one can bring the step that separates the technicians from the master. 

3. Trust. Are you willing to crash and burn? Do you understand that you will crash and burn a number of times and willing to do it anyway with an open heart? 


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Befriending the inner bully or other banished parts of the whole.... 

I've found the Putin invasion heart-breaking this past week.   Gut wrenched, tears flowing, and a constant feeling  and litany of "what can I do,"  "how can I help," and "I feel so powerless."  

I've donated, I've posted links on facebook that felt supportive, and I've done my best to do my part, here in my own life to continue to meet every human being I interact with love and kindness.

As I continue to ponder and struggle with this and all bullying, tyranny, and destruction I find myself exploring within.…

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Doing from Asking.... 

I have spent years doing and filling my days with very productive tasks.   I have been the queen of the "to-do" list.  Delighting in the satisfaction each check mark would provide.   This has served me well in the past.   I've accomplished many goals and created a wonderful life for myself.  I've exhausted myself and drove myself to the point of deep fatigue many times, often to a point of resentment and blame.   People expect too much of me, I would tell myself.  I need a break. 

The last year ( I would…

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Mother of Music 

As challenging and frustrating as this time of Covid has been for many, it has afforded me time and space to create.   Time to record, time to play, time to learn more about recording, time to learn more about marketing, and time to savor it all.  This process of creating music and releasing it digitally has been rich with unexpected delights.

I always thought I'd be a good mother.   I planned on having one child and I knew being a parent would be rewarding and challenging.   It never occurred to me I…

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